2023 Geothermal Workshop was held at University of El Salvador
The 2023 Geothermal Workshop was held from August 28 to 31 at the University of El Salvador. Twenty-six participants attended this workshop and had lively question-and-answer sessions.
Professor Emeritus/Visiting Professor Noriyoshi Tsuchiya (Tohoku University), Dr. Daisuke Fukuda(Geo-E), Dr. Takeshi Sugimoto(Geo-E), Dr. Carlos Pocasangre (UES), and Mr. Wallace Velenzuela(LaGeo) gave lectures. And Luis Salalá(UES, TU student) made a presentation about TL exploration. The demo analysis using the instruments donated from Japan was conducted by UES staff. During this workshop, participants could access on-demand lectures (YouTube) by Dr. Asanuma and Dr. Ishibashi (FREA). Dr. Ishibashi answered the questions from the participants online.
The lectures and demo analysis were well-received.
Geo-E: Geothermal Engineering Co., Ltd. FREA: Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST