2023 Geothermal School was finished and Presentation event was held at Tohoku University
2023 Geothermal School was finished on November 30th. Five researchers (students) had lectures and practical training at Iwate University, Geothermal Engineering Co., Ltd., FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST), and Tohoku University and studied each research theme from September 18th.
At the end of the school, the presentation event and project research review were held on November 28th at Tohoku University. For the event, from University of El Salvador Vice Dean, Ms. Ana Beatriz Lima de Zaldaña, Mr. Jonathan Mauricio Argueta Martínez, from LaGeo, the President, Mr. Mynor José Gil Arevalo, and the Project Manager, José Luis Henríquez came to Japan as the representatives of SATREPS project members in El Salvador. We also invited the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of El Salvador, Mr. Diego Alejandro Dalton Rosales, and Counsellor, Ms. Marcela Gamero, as the special guests.
The school students made presentations about “Application of Thermoluminescence of Plagioclase for Geothermal Exploration (1) A case study of Ahuachapán Geothermal Field (2) A case study of Cuyanausul Geothermal Field”, “Characterization of hydrothermal alteration zones in El Salvador by using ASTER images and X-Ray diffractometry”, “Assessment of evolution of Anhydrite and metallic-sulfide scaling potential in Ahuachapán geothermal field using Watch, SOLMINEQ88, SOLVEQ/CHIM-XPT”, and “Estimation of injectivity index though geophysical parameters in the injection zone of the Berlin Geothermal Field”
In the Research Review, the Research Leader, Visiting Prof. Tsuchiya presented the Project Achievement Overview. Mr. Jonathan Argueta, and José Mr. Luis Henríquez presented the Project Activity Review in each institution.
Through this event, many participants actively interacted.