JCC and Project Closing Seminar were held on June 24th at UES
On June 24, the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC), the last meeting of the project, was held at the University of El Salvador. The JCC reviewed the six-years activities and confirmed that the project had been successfully completed.
In the same day, a seminar was held at the Espino Auditorium of UES, with 90 participants and a presentation summarizing the results of the project. The seminar was attended by the Rector of University of El Salvador, Mr. Juan Rosa Quintanilla, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Mr. Luis Salvador Barrera Mancia, LaGeo President, Mr. Mynor José Gil Arevalo, Ambassador of the Embassy of Japan in El Salvador, Mr. Yoshitaka Hoshino, and Representative of the JICA El Salvador Office, Ms. Hiromi Nai attended the meeting and gave us greetings. In the seminar, Research Leader Noriyoshi Tsuchiya presented a summary of the project, and Marvyn Oziel García from LaGeo, Jonathan Mauricio Argueta Martínez from UES, and Alexy Kotov from Tohoku University each gave a presentation on their research results.
After the seminar, all parties involved exchanged greetings, bringing the project to a positive conclusion.
Photos: Closing Event (Seminar at UES Espino Auditorium)