10th International Workshop on WATER DYNAMICS
Deep Carbon Cycle / Geosphere Pollution
Faculty of Engineering, Center Square, Tohoku University

ICDP-Japan Beyond Brittle Project (JBBP)
Faculty of Engineering, Center Square, Tohoku University

 We had the Great East Japan Earthquake and severe tsumani disaster on March 11 2011, and then we had spent unusual life after the earthquake. Tohoku University, the largest university in Tohoku District, was partly damaged by the earthquake; however, we can continue to perform high level research activities as well as previous conditions.
We also notice and conform the importance of Earth Science for human beings. Global COE (Center Of Excellence) project organizes 9th international workshop on WATER DYNAMICS around first year anniversary of the earthquake.

The Workshop will review the fundamental properties and reactivity of WATER, which means not only pure water but also multicomponent geofluids, and the workshop involves the role of carbon in the Earth’s interior for dynamics and evolution of the Earth System.

After the Fukushima Nuclear Power Disaster has drastically changed the energy policy of the Japanese government. The government, industry, and citizens are much more positive to develop stable, safe, locally-distributed, and clean energy resources. Renewable energy such as solar, wind and geothermal have been focused, and geothermal has been considered as one of the most promising solutions for currently occurring energy-related crisis in Japan.

WD10-Deep Carbon Cycle / ICDP-JBBP Group photograph 2013/3/13
WD10-Geosphere Pollution Group photograph 2013/3/16

WD10-Category Information

Deep Carbon Cycle

For the advancement of science and technology for carbon and related materials, this session provides the latest knowledge in the area of carbon materials in the Earth’s interior. The session will focus also on circulation of C-O-H geofluids for understanding Earth process.

Geosphere Pollution

The conference “East Asian contaminated Soil symposium for global safety”  is intended to be performed as part of a program  “Inter-Graduate School Doctoral Degree Program on Science for Global Safety”.   For the disaster risk reduction and management, Tohoku University is promoting to develop human resources who have capablity of system design, scientific and social engineering.

As a part of the understanding and prevention of disaster risks, this conference will focus on soil contamination.  The soil contamination that caused by the industrial activities, disaster and so on should be shared knowledge and experience with other Asian countries.

Program gathered researchers from Asian countries, and aimed to obtain  common understanding of the current situation and the risks of each country.