WD8-Category Information

Category A: Material Science
Carbon and Related Materials

For the advancement of science and technology for carbon and related materials, this session provides the latest developments in the area of carbon materials such as diamond, graphite, carbon nanotube, graphen and so on. The session will focus also on material sciences of C-O-H geofluids for understanding Earth process.

Category B: Planet Earth Process
Carbon in the Earth

Here, we will investigate the role of carbon and water (geofluids) within our “Aqua planet Earth (the crust, mantle and core)”; including transport phenomena and chemical reactivity in the solid Earth. Origin of carbon, chemical characteristics of geofluids, mechanisms of fluid-rock interactions, and the global circulation of carbon and geofluids in the Earth System including the Earth’s deep interior will be focused.

We particularly focus on “Deep Carbon Cycle” in WATEWR DYNAMICS-8.  

Category C: Life and Ecology
Carbon Cycle Mediated by Biological Process

Activity of life is strongly tight to the surface environments of the Earth. This session focus on the problem how life changed the surface environments of the Earth in past geological ages. In particular, the carbon cycle mediated by early life and biological process will be discussed in this session. Carbonaceous biomaterial is also focused in this category. 

Category D: Environment
Water Pollution in Asian Countries

Environment in Asian countries has been in a serious condition for decades in spite of various actors have made substantial efforts. This session will provide an opportunity to discuss about the present state of environmental problem, particularly water and soil pollutions in Asian countries and their solution.
